How to start your own ebook business in four easy steps?
You should read this great ebook about selling ebook. Although I am not a business person, I will say this ebook is great resource for people who want to learn about business via internet.
Download link: bonanzabook
Ebook Bonanza - Start Your Own Ebook Business
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Dear Employee, Your Job Sucks!
This e-book is about creating new income through internet marketing without quiting your job. But surely your job will goes sucks after you success.
Other topics cover in this ebook are money through marketing, ways to generate income, affiliate marketing and case studies and more.....
If your are looking for idea or want to know better about making money via internet especially affiliates, you should read this ebook.
Download link: Dear Employee, Your Job Sucks!
You Were Born Rich
of money!
This book has been written in an attempt to bridge the gap between where you currently are and where you want to be. Step by step, chapter by chapter, it will help you piece together the puzzle we most often refer to as “life,” so you can build a picture of prosperity in your mind, and then go on to create that prosperity in your life.
Indeed, life is very much like the Rubic’s Cube because we have all the right pieces, and all the right colors, but it is a frustrating, never-ending process, trying to get them to fit together. Inevitably, it seems, there are always at least one or two pieces we have left out.
As you journey through this book, you will soon become very aware I am not telling you anything you do not already know. I am just expressing the ideas in an organized, coherent manner, which will enable you to achieve the results you have desired since you were first able to think. Every day, all over the world, millions of “dreamers” purchase lottery tickets, wishing for someone to fortuitously pick their names, and drop a fortune into their laps.
These people never seem to understand that the real joy in life comes not from having money handed to them on a “silver platter,” but from going out and actually earning it themselves.
Moreover, if the truth were known to you, you would realize that you already have the ability to achieve those things which you presently only dream about. - author.
Download link: You Were Born Rich
Building Wealth: A Beginner’s Guide to Securing Your Financial Future
Bob is 35 and works for a manufacturing company. He looked at his finances and realized that at the rate he was going, there wouldn’t be enough money to meet his family’s financial goals. So he chose to embark on a personal wealth-creation strategy. His first major step was to pick up a copy of this workbook for guidance. Bob began by learning the language of wealth creation. The
first lesson was to understand the meaning of assets, liabilities and net worth. They make up this very important formula:
Building Wealth: A Beginner’s Guide to Securing Your Financial Future offers introductory guidance to individuals and families seeking help to develop a plan for building personal wealth. While a comprehensive discussion of accounting, finance and investment options is beyond the scope of this workbook, it presents an overview of personal wealthbuilding strategies. Financially literate consumers make the financial marketplace work better, and they are better-informed citizens as well. - Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman, Federal Reserve System
Download link: Building Wealth
Your Success Strategies
You will learn why some people fail on the goal-achieving path and how to avoid it. You will learn about the power of your subconscious mind and how to use it.
Success is different for everyone and means different things to different people. for some, it means making a lot of money, for others it may mean being happy and believing in themselves.
Regardless of your definition of success, you can follow these basic principles to achieve your dreams. - author, Secret of Your Success
Download link: Your Success Strategies
No-Fail Fitness (new for 2008)
No-Fail Fitness:
• The two types of exercise that everyone, regardless of age, size or ability, MUST do in order to lose weight and keep it off. (just one of these types of exercise won’t do…you must have both)
• The 6 most effective forms of cardiovascular exercise
• A favorite fat burning routine…and it only takes 30 minutes (and not a second more)
• The truth about lifting weights…do you really need to at all?
• 2 forgotten forms of exercise that are less strenuous and highly energizing, yet extremely effective in toning and strengthening the entire body
• How to get the most out of your exercise efforts and finally start seeing results and pushing past plateaus.
Download link: No Fail Fitness
Labels:free, articles, private label right fitness
One in every eight Americans age 18-54 suffers from an anxiety disorder. This totals over 19 million people! Research conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health has shown that anxiety disorders are the number one mental health problem among American women and are second only to alcohol and drug abuse by men.
Unfortunately, stress and anxiety go hand in hand. In fact, one of the major symptoms of stress is anxiety. And stress accounts for 80 percent of all illnesses either directly or indirectly.
In fact, stress is more dangerous than we thought. You've probably heard that it can raise your blood pressure, increasing the likelihood of a stroke in the distant future, but recently a health insurance brochure claimed that 90 percent of visits to a primary care physician were stress-related disorders.
Download link: stress and anxiety
Fearlessly Communicating and Talking with Confidence
" kryptonite to superman as fear is to communicate confidently. Fear is the acid that eats away
confidence. Fear is the one tonne bolder that holds back a person from being confident. Fear is the Achilles of self-confidence.
You will build more confidence once you remove the “kryptonite, acid, or one tonne bolder” that is fear. To become confident you need to have little or ultimately no fear. To remove your fears the first step is to look at your fears and understand their “birth” to see what created them.
As a baby you entered into this world in a neutral state of mind. You did not fear people looking at you or staring back at people. You did not constrain your actions because of what other people
thought. You were spontaneous without a care in the world as to what other people were thinking of your actions. I think the only fear a baby has is loud noises.
This neutral state of mind changed as you aged. When you were growing up, your parents would
tell you, “Watch out!”, “Don't go there!”, “Don't do that!”, and “You're not allowed that!” Your parents conditioned your behavior. After being conditioned, what actions you took after that would be conditional on how you thought your parents would respond. You lost your independence to do as you wish and became dependent on your parents. What you could and couldn't do became more and more determined by your parents. This stimulated the creation of your fear of failure or fear of success......" - Fearlessly Communicating and Talking with Confidence.
This is agreat e-book for you to read and enhance your communicating skill. Topics covered in this e-book:
Birth of Fear
Perceptual Process
Real or Fake Threat
Prepare for the Worst Case Scenario
Being Needy and Seeking Approval
Clarity Forms Confidence
Accepting of Others
Confident Non-Verbal Communication
1) Moving Eye Contact
2) Weak Touch
3) Stay Away
4) Carry Yourself
What are You Saying to Yourself?
Love Yourself
Ensuring You Become Confident
Practice, Practice, and Practice
Communication Must be Continually Learned
Recommended Confidence Resources
My Free Newsletter: “Earthling Transmission”
Download link: Fearlessly Communicating and Talking with Confidence.
Labels:free, articles, private label right comunicate effectively